2nd Transnational Project Meeting

The 2nd TRANSNATIONAL MEETING was organized on October 10-12 2022 in Węgierska Górka, Poland by Pedagogical University of Krakow within the project Erasmus+ KA220-HED Cooperation Partnerships in higher education “Fostering Internationalisation in Higher Education by BioFood Virtual Labs” (2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000032062). 

The representatives of 3 partner universities: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovak Republic), Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic), University of Debrecen (Hungary), presented their activities that were undertaken at their home universities in order to carry out the tasks resulting from the project. In addition, they discussed the proposed research topics that fit into the area of biology, biotechnology and food science. They have selected the tasks/protocols that will be implemented by each partner. They discussed the form of project documentation and the preparation of reports. Prof. Agnieszka Greń, local coordinator of the project, presented the project, the main objective and sub-objectives, and expected results of the project BioFoodVirLabs at the ongoing XXII International Conference Risk Factors of Food Chain organized by scientists from Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy. 

This met with wide interest of the conference participants and became a source of inspiration for the partners of the BioFoodVirLabs project. Information about the Erasmus + project was included in the Book of Abstract published by the conference organizers. At the end of this meeting, the partners prepared a schedule of works that will be completed by the time of the next project meeting. 

They set a date for the next meeting, which they planned at the Mendel University in Brno. The meeting was closed by prof. Agnieszka Greń. Information about the project meeting was placed on the website of the Institute of Biology (web side: https://ibnz.up.krakow.pl/2022/10/25/biofood/), in the Book of Abstracts XXII Risk Factors of Food Chain (Annex 1). In addition, photographic documentation was made (Annex 2). 

book of abstracts22.pdf